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Text File | 1987-08-04 | 30.0 KB | 1,128 lines |
- Topics
- Introduction ...................1
- Before You Begin ...............1
- Getting Started ................2
- Basic Terms and Concepts .......3
- Two Points ...................3
- Commands .....................4
- Error Events .................4
- The Profile ..................5
- Help Screen - Single Key
- Commands ......................5
- a - Toggle Autorun Mode ......5
- b - Change Background Color ..5
- c - Clear the Screen .........6
- e - Exit Program .............6
- l - Last Pattern Back ........6
- f - Freeze/Unfreeze Display ..6
- h - The Help Screen ..........7
- k - Toggle "Keep All" Mode ...7
- m - Toggle Single-Color
- Mode ....................7
- p - Toggle Palette ...........7
- r - Restore Parameters .......8
- s - Save Parameters ..........8
- w - Write Image ..............8
- q - Query Autorun Mode .......8
- t - Tailor Other Parameters ..8
- Space - New Pattern ..........8
- Tailoring Ring - Advanced
- Features ......................9
- Key Usage ....................9
- The Global Parameter Screen ....10
- Generations on Screen ........10
- Drawing Mode .................11
- Transfer Type ................11
- Color Strategy ...............12
- Base Color ...................12
- Symmettrriiees ...............12
- EightFold Path Bug ...........12
- Start-up Bug .................12
- Erasing Bug ..................12
- Boredom Threshold ............13
- Boredom Rho ..................13
- Symmetry Coupling ............13
- Background Fluidity ..........13
- Palette Fluidity .............13
- Pattern Age ..................14
- Number of Palettes ...........14
- The Individual Parameter
- Screens .......................14
- 0 - Worm .....................14
- 1 - Random Walker ............15
- 2 - Parametric Glider ........15
- 3 - Random Dots ..............16
- 4 - Hypocycloid ..............16
- File Parm Screen (Error Events,
- too) ..........................16
- The PRO File - Start-up
- Settings ......................18
- KALSHOW - Displaying PIC
- Files .........................20
- End of Topics
- 1
- Introduction~
- ------------
- This document consists of some vague
- hints on how to use Kaleidoscope, the
- Ultimate Silly Graphics generator.
- Note that it is not a users' guide.
- The very concept of a users' guide is
- alien to the philosophy and spirit in
- which the program was written.
- Kaleidoscope is designed to be an
- unpredictable program.
- Having written three or four programs
- in recent years, I have noticed an
- unfortunate tendency among them:
- either they work right, or they crash.
- That is, either they do just what I
- wrote them to do (and this is, after
- all, pretty boring), or they do
- something wrong that either causes
- some part of the universe to print
- silly messages and give up, or
- alternately causes something to happen
- that I would rather had not happened.
- Kaleidoscope represents an attempt to
- construct a program without this
- unfortunate tendency (and to have
- something around to mesmerize
- otherwise talkative visitors). The
- patterns it displays when left to
- itself are unpredictable, even
- (especially) to its author. On the
- other hand, the program is not
- unpredictable in the typical way of
- programs; even in the file I/O
- sections (and we all know about file
- I/O) it is very unlikely to produce
- any nasty messages, or do anything
- annoying. In the event it encounters
- a situation it does not understand, it
- just selects a moderately
- reasonable alternative, and continues
- blithely on.
- Before You Begin~
- ----------------
- 1. Back Up Your Kaleidoscope
- Diskette.
- 2. Load DOS.
- 2
- Getting Started~
- ---------------
- If your use of Kaleidoscope is
- restricted to having something useful
- on your PC's color display while
- you're at lunch, to impressing members
- of the opposite sex, and generally to
- passive admiration, this is the only
- section you need to read.
- To start it, put a diskette (or
- equivalent) containing KALSCOPE.EXE
- into a diskette drive (or equivalent)
- connected to your PC, and type
- or whatever). This puts you into the
- "logo" screen. Striking any key then
- puts you into the program proper. At
- this point, you should strike the "a"
- key to turn on "autorun" mode (note
- the pleasant "boop" tone). Now you
- are set. Kaleidoscope displays an
- ever-changing series of pleasing
- (well, often pleasing) patterns.
- Striking the space bar at any time
- starts a new pattern, if the program
- seems to be more interested in the
- current pattern than you are. If
- you'd like some other colors, you can
- get a little bit advanced by playing
- with the "b" and "p" keys. When you
- wish to exit the program (to, for
- instance, bring up a newer version of
- it), strike the "e" key.
- The author anticipates that the
- average intelligent, sophisticated
- user will not be satisfied with this
- situation for long. Several urges
- will most likely arise:
- The urge to save the pretty pictures
- for later admiration.
- The urge to save the kind of pretty
- picture currently being drawn.
- The urge to modify the current pattern
- ever so slightly, to make it even more
- breathtakingly beautiful.
- For the satisfaction of these urges,
- see the next sections.
- 3
- Basic Terms and Concepts~
- ------------------------
- Two Points~
- Kaleidoscope produces its images by
- what is, at bottom, a rather simple
- process. The program moves two points
- about on the screen, and every time it
- moves them, it draws zero or more
- dot(s) and line(s) based on their new
- position. In some cases, it also
- draws the reflections of these dot(s)
- and line(s) around various
- cleverly-placed axes.
- Now to get the amount of variation you
- have seen in Kaleidoscope.
- If you have not yet seen Kaleidoscope
- run, I suggest you go back to the
- Getting Started section and run it
- contemplatively for a bit. From such
- a simple concept, there must obviously
- be a lot of variables (for variety, we
- call them "parameters") floating
- around. There are. Kaleidoscope has,
- for instance:
- o Five different overall ways of
- figuring out the next spot one of
- the points is going to occupy. Five
- for each of the two points makes
- twenty-five mixes of overall
- point-motion strategies (which see).
- Each strategy has zero or more (up
- to about 15) sub-parameters.
- o Seven different things that can be
- done, given the current position of
- the two points on the screen, and
- the position they held last time
- 'round. The things include
- connecting the points, drawing a
- circle tangent to both of them,
- simply drawing a dot at one point
- and ignoring the other, etc. See
- "Drawing Modes" below somewhere.
- o Four possible levels of symmetry.
- o Various bugs which can (well, one of
- them) be turned on and off.
- o Some other things I won't mention
- (except indirectly, in this very
- sentence).
- 4
- Commands~
- As a Kaleidoscope user, you
- communicate with the program through
- the keyboard. The most common
- commands are issued by striking a
- single key. Note that Kaleidoscope is
- case insensitive; you can type in any
- single-key command in either upper or
- lower case.
- One of the single-key commands ("t")
- is used to enter the advanced
- tailoring environment. This provides
- access to less-frequently-used
- parameters, allowing a subtlety of
- control not available with the
- single-key commands. The next two
- major sections cover the single-key
- and advanced facilities.
- Error Events~
- If you hear a friendly little
- three-tone signal while Kaleidoscope
- is running, it means that an error of
- some sort has occurred. There's no
- need to worry about this, as
- Kaleidoscope in general continues
- nonchalantly on. Should the sound
- persist (and even threaten to become
- unpleasant), striking the space bar to
- begin a new pattern should stop it
- (and the plucky little error causing
- it).
- If you become unbearably curious about
- the nature of the error, see below,
- under (what else) "The File Parameter
- Screen."
- A slightly less friendly single-tone
- signal is produced if you enter
- an obviously useless number while on
- one of the tailoring screens (which
- see). Kaleidoscope usually does
- anything that you ask it to, but there
- are a few things up with which it
- simply will not put.
- 5
- The Profile~
- After using Kaleidoscope for a bit,
- you may discover that there are
- certain things you do every time you
- bring it up, to tailor the more global
- parameters (like number of palettes,
- fluidities, etc) to your own tastes.
- To avoid having to do this initial
- setup every time, Kaleidoscope
- provides you with the ability to
- specify some initial parameters in a
- file. This PRO file is described in
- detail far below.
- Help Screen - Single Key Commands~
- ---------------------------------
- The Help Screen is a single panel that
- tells the user what all the single-key
- commands do. To get the help screen,
- strike the "h" key. Rough
- descriptions of the commands follow.
- a - Toggle Autorun Mode~
- Striking the "a" key turns autorun
- mode on if it was off, and off if it
- was on. When you strike "a", you
- hear a tone that reflects the new
- setting of Autorun. The higher tone
- indicates that Autorun is now off; the
- lower tone, that it is on.
- In Autorun mode, Kaleidoscope
- occasionally becomes tired of the
- current pattern, and abandons it to
- start a new one. How long it takes to
- get tired is determined by the two
- Boredom Parameters on the Global
- Parameter screen (see below).
- b - Change Background Color~
- Striking the "b" key changes the
- background color to the next one.
- Striking the key eight times gives the
- same background color (after a bit of
- decorative flashing), but in a higher
- (or lower) intensity.
- 6
- c - Clear the Screen~
- Striking the "c" key clears the
- screen. It has no other effect on the
- currently active pattern, but I think
- it does reset the count of how long
- the pattern has been active (kept for
- boredom determination purposes).
- e - Exit Program~
- This key terminates the program,
- and returns the PC to whatever monitor
- Kaleidoscope was invoked from. It
- should not be used except in case of
- emergency, or a new version of
- Kaleidoscope is available for
- installation on the PC, or in the
- unlikely event that you find some
- other program that you would like to
- run.
- l - Last Pattern Back~
- It is a frequent occurrence while in
- AutoRun mode to glance up at your
- display from the Sunday Times, be
- amazed and thrilled at the beauty of
- the pattern Kaleidoscope is currently
- working on, and see it vanish before
- you can reach the "a" key. To cut
- down on the number of broken hearts,
- the "l" command gets back
- (approximately) the parameters most
- recently abandoned. Sometimes the
- colors are different or something,
- but that's part of the fun.
- f - Freeze/Unfreeze Display~
- Striking the "f" key when the display
- is not frozen freezes it. Striking it
- when the display is frozen unfreezes
- it. When the display is frozen, most
- of the keys have the usual effects,
- but drawing of the current pattern is
- suspended. This is useful, for
- instance, for getting a picture just
- right before saving it.
- 7
- h - The Help Screen~
- Displays the Help Screen. Hit any key
- to return to the current pattern with
- a clear screen.
- k - Toggle "Keep All" Mode~
- One of the clever things that
- Kaleidoscope does is to sometimes keep
- some number of generations on the
- screen, by erasing an old bunch of
- lines every time it draws some new
- ones. If it is doing this, and you'd
- like it to stop (or you have stopped
- it this way already, and you'd like it
- to start again), hit the "k" key. If
- you'd like to change the number of
- generations kept, you can do it on the
- Global Parameter screen (see below).
- When a new pattern starts up, "Keep
- All" mode is turned off.
- m - Toggle Single-Color Mode~
- When I first wrote Kaleidoscope, it
- was always solid yellow on a blue
- background. Sometimes I get
- nostalgic; this key is for me.
- p - Toggle Palette~
- Changes to/from blue-white-purple
- from/to red-green-yellow (with
- red-white-cyan thrown in on RGB
- screens if the "Number of Palettes"
- parameter is set to 3; see below).
- 8
- r - Restore Parameters~
- Reads the parameters from the
- currently selected drive and file
- (these are determined on the File
- Parameter Screen, probably described
- below), and start drawing a pattern
- from them. Looks for a file called
- Pnnnn.PRM on the selected drive. If
- it doesn't find it, the usual error
- tones sound, and it continues
- with whatever it was doing. This
- command also increments the "File to
- Restore From" number, to get you ready
- for the next restore.
- s - Save Parameters~
- Does the opposite of "r". Except,
- of course, that rather than
- incrementing the "File to Restore
- From" number, it increments the "File
- to save PRM to" number, so next time
- you hit "s" you don't overlay the PRM
- file.
- w - Write Image~
- Writes the current state of the
- screen in BSAVE format, into Pnnn.PIC,
- where nnn is the "File to Save PIC to"
- number from the fabled File Parameter
- screen. Increments that number.
- q - Query Autorun Mode~
- Does everything that "a" does, except
- for affecting the Autorun setting.
- t - Tailor Other Parameters~
- This puts you into the ring of
- Tailoring Screens, that are described
- in more detail below. It puts you
- onto the last screen you saw, with the
- cursor where it was last, on the
- theory that you might still be
- interested.
- Space - New Pattern~
- If the current pattern isn't to your
- liking, pressing the space bar calls
- up a new one. The previous one may be
- regressed to with the "l" command,
- which see.
- 9
- Tailoring Ring - Advanced Features~
- ----------------------------------
- Striking the "t" key while in
- Kaleidoscope proper brings you into
- the ring of Tailoring Screens. While
- in the ring, you can change almost
- everything I could think of in the way
- of currently-effective parameters.
- You can, for instance, increase the
- symmetry of the current pattern,
- change a worm into a hypocycloid,
- alter the step-length of a random
- walker, change which diskette (or
- equivalent) is used to save parameter
- files to, and even turn on the
- normally-off EightFold Symmetry Bug.
- Key Usage~
- While in the tailoring ring, the
- following keys have approximately the
- following effects. No other keys
- should do anything to speak of.
- Tab
- Takes you to the next screen in the
- ring.
- Escape
- Takes you out of the ring, back to
- Kaleidoscope proper.
- Arrows
- Moves the cursor (a red
- right-pointy-brace) around on the
- screen. The up and down arrows move
- the cursor up and down, wrapping at
- the top and bottom of the screen. The
- sideways arrows toggle the cursor
- between the two possible columns.
- Enter
- Selects the item the cursor is
- currently pointing to as something
- that you want to change. Striking
- Enter results in a red "Enter New
- Value" prompt down in one corner of
- the screen. Enter the desired new
- value for the item, and hit Enter
- again. If you have successfully
- changed something of interest, the
- screen is re-displayed with the
- new value. Hitting Enter with the
- cursor not pointing to anything in
- particular causes (what else?)
- unpredictable results.
- 10
- The Global Parameter Screen~
- ---------------------------
- The first screen you see when entering
- the tailoring ring for the first time
- is the Global Parameter Screen. This
- screen allows you to examine and alter
- various parameters that effect the
- pattern being drawn, and the overall
- behavior of the system.
- The following fields appear on the
- screen. "Generations on screen"
- through "Erasing bug" are in the
- left-hand column (in the order that
- they appear below, and "Boredom
- Threshold" through "Number of
- Palettes" are in the right-hand
- column.
- Generations on Screen~
- Effects how many generations are
- displayed on the screen (temporarily
- overridable by the "k" command). If
- this is set to 0, all generations are
- kept.
- 11
- Drawing Mode~
- This selects the drawing mode: what
- dot(s) or line(s) are drawn, given the
- current locations of the two points.
- Valid values here are 0 through 7,
- corresponding to:
- 0 - Draw a dot at the first point
- location.
- 1 - Draw a dot at both point
- locations.
- 2 - Draw a line between the locations.
- 3 - Connect each current point
- location with the just-previous
- location of the same point.
- 4 - Draw the lines described in 2 and
- 3.
- 5 - Draw a box with the two points as
- diagonally opposite corners.
- 6 - Draw a circle (approximately)
- tangent to the two points.
- 7 - Draw an (approximately) isosceles
- triangle with the two points as
- the base vertices, and the top
- vertex determined by some equation
- that I have forgotten.
- Transfer Type~
- If the transfer type is 1, new
- positions of point 1 are taken from
- the current (old) position of point 2,
- rather than from point 1's own
- motion-strategy. This is useful for
- tracing a single figure. If the
- transfer type is 2 or 3, point 1 is
- moved according to its own
- motion-strategy.
- 12
- Color Strategy~
- This has to do with how many colors
- are used in the display. I think 1
- means always use a single color
- (although symmetrical reflections are
- in other colors), 2 means use a
- different color for each point, and 3
- and 4 are various level of randomness.
- Base Color~
- This has something to do with altering
- the color that the Color Strategy
- takes as a jumping-off place.
- Changing the value does not generally
- seem to effect anything, though.
- Symmettrriiees~
- This determines how many dot(s) or
- line(s) are actually drawn for each
- one called for by the Drawing Mode.
- Valid values are 1, 2, 4 and 8.
- EightFold Path Bug~
- When eightfold symmetry is in effect,
- the fact that the screen is not as
- tall as it is wide sometimes causes
- the points being drawn to smash into
- the upper and lower walls of the
- screen. As this is a bad thing, there
- is a hook in the program that
- restricts the scope of drawing to the
- safe central portion of the screen
- when the symmetry level is 8.
- Changing the value of this parameter
- to 1 enables the bug by de-enabling
- the hook.
- Start-up Bug~
- There is often garbage drawn at the
- beginning of a pattern (particularly
- when the transfer type is 1). If you
- turn this bug on, by changing the
- value of this parameter to 1, there
- is even more.
- 13
- Erasing Bug~
- Some of the more pleasing, shimmering
- patterns that Kaleidoscope produces
- are due to a bug in the erasure of old
- dots and lines when the drawing mode
- is 3 or 4 and the "Generations on
- Screen" is not "All". When I find
- that bug, this parameter will turn it
- on and off.
- Boredom Threshold~
- This is (approximately) the minimum
- number of seconds the program spends
- on a pattern in Autorun mode before
- getting bored and switching.
- Boredom Rho~
- This is the probability (per
- generation) that Kaleidoscope will get
- bored and switch after the boredom
- threshold has been crossed
- Symmetry Coupling~
- If this parameter is 1, Kaleidoscope
- draws lines between each point and its
- symmetric reflections, if any (0, 1, 3
- or 7 of them).
- Background Fluidity~
- This is the probability that, each
- generation, Kaleidoscope gets tired of
- the current background color, and
- change it (or leaves it the same).
- Palette Fluidity~
- You guessed it! The number of
- palettes randomly chosen among is
- determined by the "Number of Palettes"
- parameter, described shortly.
- 14
- Pattern Age~
- This is the number of seconds of the
- current pattern that have passed, for
- purposes of boredom determination.
- Altering any parameter resets this to
- zero. So do some other things. You
- can't change this parameter yourself.
- Number of Palettes~
- This one requires more explanation
- than I am likely to give. If you have
- a conventional RGB screen, change this
- to 3 and you have a red-white-and-blue
- palette in addition to the other two.
- If you have a composite or TV screen,
- you probably want to leave it at 2
- (the default).
- The Individual Parameter Screens~
- --------------------------------
- Each of the two Individual Parameter
- screens displays the parameters for
- one of the points. The parameters
- displayed depend on the
- motion-strategy for that point. To
- change the motion-strategy for a
- point, go to the appropriate
- individual parameter screen, move the
- cursor to the line with the name of
- the strategy (row 4), and hit enter.
- Then enter the number of the strategy
- you would like, from the list that
- follows.
- 0 - Worm~
- A worm is a little creature that moves
- at random about the screen, one pel at
- a time (that's logical pels, for you
- display hackers). His three
- parameters are:
- Laterality
- Determines whether the worm moves like
- a bishop (0), like a rook (1), or like
- a king (2).
- 15
- Turn Strategy
- When the worm has decided to turn (go
- in a new direction), it either changes
- to an adjacent vector (0), or picks a
- new direction at random (1).
- Rho
- This is the chance that the worm
- continues in the same direction next
- generation.
- 1 - Random Walker~
- A random walker is just like a worm,
- except that it moves several pels per
- generation. The number of pels is the
- worm's length.
- 2 - Parametric Glider~
- This creature moves along a path
- determined by a pair of parametric
- equations, one for each coordinate (X
- and Y). Each generation, the value of
- "t" is incremented by "dT", and a new
- X and Y determined. There are two
- rows of parameters on the glider
- screen; the left-hand row shows the
- parameters for the X coordinate, the
- right-hand row for Y. The general
- equation for a new coordinate, given
- "t" and the parameters, is supposed to
- be
- K + B ( M1 sin ( A1 + M2 t ) + M3 cos
- ( A2 + M3 t ) )
- normalized to fit on the screen. I
- suspect the actual equation is indeed
- something like that.
- 16
- 3 - Random Dots~
- Requiring no parameters, random dots
- just jump merrily about on the screen,
- with the new location of the point
- having nothing at all to do with the
- old one.
- 4 - Hypocycloid~
- You probably saw these first as a
- child. Remember the little plastic
- toothed wheels, the colored pens and
- pins, and trying not to tear the
- paper? The wheel ratio is the ratio
- of the number of teeth on the little
- wheel to the number of teeth on the
- big wheel, and the offset from center
- is the distance (in units of the big
- wheel's radius) from the center of the
- little wheel to the drawing hole.
- "dT" is used in about the same way as
- in the parametric glider. The
- equations for this took me a couple of
- days to figure out, so I'm leaving
- them as an exercise for the reader.
- File Parm Screen (Error Events, too)~
- ------------------------------------
- The numbers on this screen control the
- diskettes (or equivalent) used to save
- and restore images and parameter sets,
- and the names of the files that are
- used. Parameter sets are stored in
- files called "Pnnnnnnn.PRM", and
- images are stored (in BSave format) in
- files called "Pnnnnnnn.PIC". The
- nnnnnn is taken from this very screen,
- as is the diskette letter to use.
- 17
- Every time you issue a save ("s" or
- "w") command or a restore ("r")
- command, the corresponding file number
- on this screen is incremented. So if
- you set, for instance, the "File to
- write PIC to" number to 20, then issue
- the "w" command five times in the
- course of an hour, you have created
- the files "P20.PIC" through "P24.PIC"
- on the selected disk. If you want to
- display a series of patterns saved in
- files "P32.PRM" through "P41.PRM" on
- drive B, you can set the "Disk to
- Restore From" letter to "B", the "File
- to Restore From" number to 32, then go
- back to Kaleidoscope proper, and hit
- "r" ten times (at reasonable
- intervals, of course, to give your
- viewers time to be awed).
- Note that "r" does not always restore
- all the information about a pattern;
- sometimes (as with "l") the colors and
- things are different, for variety's
- sake.
- This screen (because it had lots of
- blank space) is also used to record
- error events. When something that
- BASIC thinks of as an error occurs,
- Kaleidoscope alerts you with a
- friendly little three-tone sound, and
- records the error's Magic Error Number
- and Location on this screen. To find
- out the nature of your error, go to
- this screen, and look up the error
- code in the back of your BASIC manual.
- You will undoubtedly discover that it
- was your fault.
- 18
- The PRO File - Start-up Settings~
- -------------------------------
- The default values for the more global
- Kaleidoscope parameters, like initial
- background color, number of palettes,
- fluidities, and other things that
- don't (usually) change with a new
- pattern, may not be what everyone
- wants. It is common for a user to
- develop the habit of hitting 'b' seven
- times, 'a' once, then 't', a bunch of
- cursor controls, enter, a number,
- enter again... and so on for several
- dozen keystrokes; all for the sake of
- getting the environment the way it
- ought to have been in the first place.
- This sort of user has not read this
- section.
- * A sample KALSCOPE.PRO file
- * Don't hold logo screen, and load in
- my favorite
- * PRM file on start-up.
- % r
- * Set the parameters
- 8 should be the boredom threshold
- 0.05 should be the boredom rho
- 0.001 should be the palette fluidity
- 0 should be the background fluidity
- 3 is the number of palettes
- 8 is the initial background color
- 2 is the initial palette (special RGB
- palette)
- 1 is the initial autorun setting
- 0 (off) is the initial setting of
- single-color mode
- 1 (on) is the eightfold bug
- 0 (off) is the start-up bug
- 0 (off) is the erasing bug
- C is the disk to restore from
- 0 is the initial file number to
- restore from
- A is the disk to save PIC files to
- 12 is the initial number for PIC files
- A is the disk to save PRM files to
- 27 is the initial number for PRM files
- * and that's all.
- 19
- When it is first invoked, Kaleidoscope
- looks for a file called "KALSCOPE.PRO"
- in the current default directory. If
- the file is not found, all default
- values for everything in general are
- taken, and the pleasant little error
- bleep sounds to let the user know. If
- the file is found, certain parameter
- values are taken from it, and some
- initial commands can be executed by
- it.
- The lines in the PRO file are
- interpreted as follows:
- All lines which are completely blank,
- or which have a squashed-bug character
- ("*") in column one, are completely
- ignored.
- All lines that have an interest-mark
- character ("%") in column one are
- treated specially. The rest of the
- characters in the line are put into a
- FIFO queue. Yes, this is in fact
- redundant, as all queues are FIFO, but
- as a CMS user I have seen enough
- references to "FIFO stacks" that I
- tend to play it safe. When
- Kaleidoscope begins to execute,
- characters are taken from this queue,
- and treated just as if they had been
- entered as single-key commands from
- the keyboard. The only really useful
- use for this is to specify (by
- including an "r" in the queue) that an
- initial PRM file should be loaded on
- start-up. If the first character
- after the interest-mark is a blank,
- the logo screen will be displayed for
- about a second, then disappear,
- without waiting for the usual
- keystroke.
- Any lines not covered by the points
- above are interpreted as value lines.
- The initial characters in each of
- these lines are treated as numeric
- values (skipping leading blanks),
- except for the lines about disk
- letters, where the first character are
- used. The values obtained from the
- lines are assigned to the accessible
- parameters.
- 20
- Which parameters are accessible, and
- what order they are assigned in,
- should be inferred by the observant
- user from the sample profile given.
- If fewer than 18 value lines are in
- the file, defaults are used for the
- remainder. Note, however, that if you
- wish to change the default for some
- parameter, you must specify values for
- all parameters coming before the one
- you want to change (nyeh-he-he). For
- instance, to specify a non-default
- initial value for the autorun setting,
- you must give values for the first
- seven parameters as well.
- Note: The use of ringlore and other
- middle-earth poetry in PRO files is
- not recommended.
- KALSHOW - Displaying PIC Files~
- ------------------------------
- KALSHOW is an ancillary program that
- may be used while in DOS to copy a PIC
- file (saved with the "w" command in
- Kaleidoscope) onto your color screen.
- The pattern is displayed just as you
- saved it, and you are given a chance
- to change the background color and
- active palette (which are not saved in
- the PIC file).
- Note that Kaleidoscope itself has no
- provision for reading PIC files. If
- you want to save a pattern for later
- use in Kaleidoscope, use "s" to create
- a PRM file. "w" should be used to
- save particularly striking screen
- images, for later use by KALSHOW or
- other programs that like BSave format.
- To use KALSHOW, type KALSHOW, and
- respond to the prompt with the full
- drive specifier, name and type of the
- PIC file (for example, "C:P54.PIC").
- The image is loaded, and you may then
- use the "b" and "p" keys to change the
- active colors. When you are done, use
- the "e" key to exit. You will then be
- prompted for another PIC file to
- display. If you don't want to display
- any more, just press Enter. When
- KALSHOW completes, it returns to DOS,
- so one effective use of KALSHOW is on
- a two-display PC, with the monochrome
- monitor (MODE MO) active.